Do you remember walking through a grocery or department store and seeing those bratty kids throwing a fit because they wanted some toy or snack? Eventually, the desperate parent gave in so the child wouldn’t throw a fit. We all thought, “Heaven help us when that kid grows up”. Guess what? They have grown up. Unfortunately, they still haven’t learned the value of delayed gratification. However, the things they want can have a more disastrous effect on humanity.
Delayed gratification is really what separates "the men from the boys”, so-to-speak. Grownups choose relationships over one-night stands, healthy living over junk food and partying, and hard work over "wealth hacks”. Does it sound fun? Not in the moment, however, give it a year. One person will have a strong relationship, health, and business life, and the other will be nursing hangovers and loneliness while being stuck in a dead-end job. You be the judge of what’s really worth it. Choose discipline now or life will bring discipline.
Choosing to wait for what’s good speaks volumes in sales and business as well. How many times have you opened your LinkedIn and gotten spam messages from people who jump right in and ask for your business? It really is no different than asking someone for marriage after just meeting him or her. Could you get lucky? Possibly. Likely? No. Sales isn’t like throwing spaghetti against a wall and seeing what sticks. Do you know anything about the person, and do they know anything about you? Hastiness shows that you really don’t care. In fact, LinkedIn literally provides you with information about their likes, articles, posts, and companies they follow. You REALLY are being disingenuous by hurling your pitch at them, right out of the gate.
Think about it like this: Let's say you're at a networking event and some sleazy-looking person comes up to you and starts a conversation with, “Are looking for…” (you fill in the blank). Immediately, a red flag would likely go up in your brain, AND FOR GOOD REASON. Your instincts are telling you this person really doesn’t care about you and only wants your money. On the other hand, if you met someone who engaged in conversation (learning interests and getting to know each other), that person is probably going to walk away with another meeting set up. Why? He or she didn’t ask for a sale? You might not know what business that person is in. Does it matter? No. Trust was established.
If you are struggling to make sales or struggling in business, do this test: take a day or two to just get to know your prospects. Truly show interest in them WITHOUT bringing up anything about sales. Then, ask for a meeting. See what happens. What we can promise, at the least, is that you'll be received as genuine instead of sleazy and salivating at even the potential sound of a sale. Does it take longer? A little. However, in the long run, it'll put you miles ahead of other prospectors.
Delayed gratification may seem like something we do internally, but in realty, it is very outwardly apparent to those around you. Remember, the mature person everyone wants to know is willing to wait for his or her rewards, whereas a child doesn’t care about anything but immediate personal wants. Which one are you?
Delayed Gratification
July 7, 2021

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Are you a competitive, goal-oriented, resilient sales wolf? Would you thrive in a carefully crafted environment where self-starters excel and earn massive payoffs for their hard work? Do you want to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself and have the fulfillment of making a difference that is unparalleled?
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